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Post by TagListed Tue 27 May 2014, 6:29 am

Microsoft Promotion claims.01946@hotmail.com
File Your Lucky Claims{£1,000.000.00 GBP}
di 20-5-2014 06:58

New Year Promotion 2014.
Ref Num: (MSPI 977)

Congratulations you have won {£1,000.000.00 GBP} One million Great Britain Pounds from our Microsoft Promotion, send the below details for claims:

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Contact Agent:
Mr.Edward Parker
E-mail: msn.donation010@hotmail.comMICROSOFT COMPANY.
New Year Promotion 2014.
Ref Num: (MSPI 977)

Congratulations you have won {£1,000.000.00 GBP} One million Great Britain Pounds from our Microsoft Promotion, send the below details for claims:

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Contact Agent:
Mr.Edward Parker
E-mail: msn.donation010@hotmail.com

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