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Post by TagListed Tue 15 Mar 2011, 4:54 pm

Payment approved,contact our paying bank 6244479378_15af37d555

Claim Agent PHLO@london.com
Payment approved,contact our paying bank
12-03-11 11:26

Dear Jack Cunte

Kindly be informed that final approval has been obtained from The
Microsoft Award Team for the immediate remittance of your award prize
money valued to the tune of GBP£1,000,000 {One Million Pounds only}.
Having verified your claims, The Microsoft Award Board hereby
certifies you as the rightful winner of the above mentioned promotion
prize money.

Finally we have sent a Letter of Credit to Credit Suisse Bank London
to enable them expedite in making the total payment of GBP£1,000,000
{One Million Pounds only} to you.

However, we will appreciate you contact the head Swift Telegraphic
Transfer of the bank personally with the contact information below for
more information on your payment Please addressed to:

The Manager of Foreign Credit Department
Credit Suisse Bank London
Dr. Brady W. Dougan
Fax: +44 844 774 5925
Switch Board: +44 703 940 3209
Office Line: +44 702 4044 984
Tel: +44 792 458 6128

Kindly advice the bank on the preferable payment options that you wish
your fund to be remitted to you.

OPTION ONE: BANK TO BANK – If you wish to have your fund transferred
directly to your desirable account, kindly furnish the bank with the
below information:

1] Name of fund beneficiary
2] Address of fund beneficiary
3] Name of bank
4] Address of bank
5] Account number
6] Swift code No if any
7] Private phone and fax number
8] Amount Won: GBP£1,000,000

OPTION TWO: MASTER CREDIT CARD- If you prefer to have your fund
through ATM MASTER CREDIT CARD, just indicate in your email to the
Bank that you wish to have your fund via payment option two. And
furnish the bank with your correct designated address as stated below:

1] Name of fund beneficiary
2] Beneficiary Home address
3] City
4] Country
5] Private phone and fax number
6] Amount Won: GBP£1,000,000

Please, kindly give the Remittance Bank all the necessary support so
as to enable them expedite action and serve you better.

On behalf of the board members and staff accept our deep and sincere

Best Regards,
Mr. Peter Hill


At Sat, 12 Mar 2011 02:26:10 -0800, the email sender PHLO@london.com sent you an email from the IP address located in United States, Mountain View.
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