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Post by TagListed Sun 18 Apr 2010, 4:03 pm

From: LOTERIE ROMANDE (jlabonte2010@susjlanon.com)
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 2:40:13 PM
To: Winner17@swiss.lotto

La Loterie Romande
Rue Marterey 13,
1002 Lausanne,

Reference : LR/51-CH/4103,
Batch : LR/09/17


We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded annual final draws of the LOTERIE ROMANDE Program. Loterie Romande draws was conducted from an exclusive list of 70,000,000 e-mail addresses picked by an advanced automated random computer ballot as part of our international promotions program which we conduct every year.

You are hereby notified that your email identity has won EUR 2,500,000 (Two million five hundred thousand Euro) after our final email draws. Your email ID was attached to serial number : 09-7391 and drew the winning numbers; 9-31-17-23-12-39

You have therefore been approved for a lump sum payout of EUR2,500,000 (Two million five hundred thousand Euro) in cash credited to file (LR/51-CH/4103). This is from a total cash prize of EUR50,000,000 (Fifty million Euro) shared amongst the first twenty (20) lucky winners in this category.

Please contact your assigned release manager, Mr.William Hartwell of the Paying insurance/finance company, through his email address below;

Mr. William Hartwell
Zurich Financial Services Limited,
Professional and Risk Services Manager,
phone: 00447024038540
Fax: 00448704711698

for more information and release details.

always quote your reference and batch numbers in every correspondence with your agent.

Yours truly,
Leonard Declerck,
Promotions Manager,
La Loterie Romande.


1) You must be above the age of 30 to be qualified for payment.

2) This is a confidential email. Any breach of confidentiality means automatic disqualification.

Posts : 1994
Reputation : 18
Join date : 2010-02-26
Age : 14


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