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TagListed is there for all the people to learn they might be dealing with a scammer
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Post by TagListed Thu 29 Sep 2011, 9:08 am

From: UK LOTTERY NOTIFICATION (lotto.onlinepromotion@gmail.com)
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 11:23 AM


British Microsoft Award
Headquarters: Customer service
33 Yatch Basin Marina Offices,
UponTyne Newcastle London. 
Your email addresses have just won YAHOO & WINDOWS LIVE prize money of GBP£820,000.00 (EIGHT HUNDRED AND TWENTY THOUSAND GREAT BRITISH POUNDS STERLING) On Saturday, 24/09/ 2011. Award winners emerge through random selection of all active email subscribers online. Six are selected monthly to benefit from this promotion.
Payment of Prize and Claim
Winners are to be paid in accordance with his/her Settlement Center. This promotion was drawn based on email address as the key identification for setting up online accounts. All valid email addresses in the World Wide Web Draw used/participants for the online email promotion version were selected randomly via computer balloting from a global website collaboration with internet companies like eBay, pay pal, liberty reserve, and Google whom also built their systems and based their membership registration identity on email addresses supporting this computer draw system done by extracted email addresses from over 100,000 unions, associations, and corporate bodies and affiliated members to the National Lottery website and their advertisers listed online.
these are your identification numbers:
Batch Number: YPB/08/APA-43658
Reference Number:  ZA/YPN/270992008
Award File Security code: UK/+QU03005

Please note that you’re lucky winning ticket file and number falls within our African booklet representative office in Johannesburg South Africa, as indicated in your ballot played coupon. In view of this, your (£820,000.00) would be released to you by our payment department in South Africa:

Mr. David Cohen
Foreign Service Manager (FSM)
# 222 Smith Street Braamfontein, Johannesburg 2001, South Africa
E-mail: davidcohen@blumail.org

Kindly send the following information to your claim agent to facilitate the release of your fund.
1. Full Name:
2. Age:
3. Sex:
4. Address:
5. Occupation:
6. Email Address:
7. Country of origin:
8. Country of resident:
9. Telephone:
10. Fax Numbers:
Once your agent acknowledges receipt of this required detail, transfer would commence.

Congratulations!! Once Again.

Yours in service,

[Dr.  A. W. George] [Prof. John Martins] [Mrs. Mary E. Chris]
[Lottery Board Director, Head Office U.K] [British Microsoft Award Manager] [British Microsoft Award Secretary]

For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claim is processed and your money remitted to you in whatever choice you want to claim your prize. Precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program are in place. Please be warned!!!

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Age : 14


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