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Greetings from Caroline

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Attachment Greetings from Caroline

Post by TagListed Wed 30 Jul 2014, 6:44 pm

caroline price pricecaroline50@outlook.com
Greetings from Caroline
di 22-7-2014 10:29

Hello Dear new friend,

Compliments of the season, how are you and your family over there?, There's a miracle called "Friendship." i came across your email contact today during my research on internet about my old time school friends, when i saw your email address my mind was so free to write to you, i can't even imagine the reason though i know is the lords doing... all is about "Friendship." I'd like to be your friend and i appriciate you becoming my friend as well. i will like to share some few lines of words with you and i guess you might know the meaning of a Real friendship. How are you and your family over there?, actually i love making and meeting friends, sometimes i take my time out for my friends trying to know how cool they're. I hope we gonna know each other better as time goes by. I'm a christain, fully commited in the body of christ. I'd like to be your friend but wanna know if you're a christain as well. I like to share some lines of words with you and i guess you might know the the meaning of a Real friendship. In my own view "Friendship"is a miracle. it is just about keeping it real. i unesrstand Friendship as sharing a laugh , learning on each other when we come to a bend in life's road; and also taking the time to encourage. i'm glad to meet you as one of my new friend outside my state . Friendship happens soulfully. It is a light from above , it provides sunlight to the soul whenever it happens. Now you can know and recognize the gift from above called friendship. I’m just here for friendship with both women and men to share interest and lot more . I love discussing all positive issues and learning other people's cultures and languages. Hope to get more good and lasting friends outside my State and around the world...
About me in a brief, my names are Caroline Price a native of Chicago Illinois but working with a recruitment and resettlement agency here in newyork. That’s all for now till I hears from you.
Tell me about yourself and your country. . Expecting to hear from you soonest.
Till then bye. Your new friend.

Miss Caroline Price.

Reply-To: <caroline.price77@gmail.com>
From: "caroline price" <pricecaroline50@outlook.com>
To: "caroline price" <pricecaroline50@outlook.com>
Subject: Greetings from Caroline
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 10:29:06 +0200
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Attachment Thanks for your response.

Post by TagListed Wed 30 Jul 2014, 6:51 pm

Caroline Price caroline.price77@gmail.com
Thanks for your response.
wo 30-7-2014 13:53

Greetings from Caroline Caroli10

Greetings from Caroline Caroli11

Greetings from Caroline Caroli12

Greetings from Caroline Caroli13

Hi Jack,

Thanks for your response. I'm sorry for the delay I made before replying, it was caused by official assignment which I couldn’t afford to ignore. I have been very busy with many jobs on my table in the course of the on-going Worker’s Recruitment/Resettlement program, going on here in New York  U.S.A, Europe and Canada . How are you my dear?,  i hope all is well with you and your family over there.... Iam a full committed christain in our lord jesus christ, my church is Fourth Presbyterian Church 126 E. Chestnut Street Chicago, IL 60611.2014. This is where i fellowship, the name of my pastor is Shannon J. Kershner.

Sometimes  friendship can certainly make you feel real good. What’s better shelter from the storms and trials of daily life than friendship?.
To know that there is someone out there you can fall back on. Really, people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to serve for some purposes which gonna help figure out whom you are or whom you wanna become.

I understand friendship as the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring all right out just as they are chaff and grain together and certain that a faithful friendly hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of comfort, blow the chaff away. So I hope we gonna know each other better as time goes by. I also believe that friendship has no boundary, age, gender and race. Marital status has nothing positive to do with sincere and honest friendship.

About me again, I am the second child of my parents. We're three in number, two girls and a boy. I’m Caroline Price by name, 27yrs old. Clara is my younger sister’s name while Elvis is the only guy among us and he is 29 yrs and single.
I'm an American citizen from Chicago Illinois but reside here in New York while my parents live in Florida . My fathers' name is Paul price and he is an ex-diplomat to the United Nations while my Mother's name is Evelyn and she is currently working with the American department of Education Orlando , Florida . I'm a final year student taking my doctorate degree in social science and I also work with workers recruitment Agency here in New York .

I'm still single and hope to meet my own man at God's own time... I care not for how short, tall nor age of a man. I look to see if his beauty on the outside matched with the inner beauty. Maturity and how cool he can be under pressure LOL!  I'm loyal and soft spoken. I believe in family and that marriage is forever, I do not believe in divorce, it's becoming such a commodity here but I wish to remain with the man I choose for life . I'm not needy or clingy type but yet I'm very affectionate. Am easy going and very lay back also happy doing anything, but not into clubbing scenes.

I play tennis, squash, volleyball, watch movies and so much like having good friends. Always encourage my friends. I'm old fashioned type. I have neither temper nor mood swings, not violent nor do I start yelling fights. I hate delay, that is sluggishness and procrastinating, I hate lies and liars. I love someone who is faithful and does not smoke nor drink too much. Our country is a free society and a land of hope for all; it’s also a land of dreams and victory for those who think widely. I'm waiting to hear from you... attached is my 3 pictures and 1 of my parents.

Your new friend

Miss Caroline Price.

On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 9:06 PM, TagListed wrote:
Hello Caroline,

Thank you for your interest and your message.
Would love to get to know you and also see your pictures.


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