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Post by TagListed Sat 17 Sep 2011, 11:19 am

From: Mrs. K Sabina (su2002@voila.fr)
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2011 9:05:10 PM

Dear Friend,

I am contacting you to assist me in transferring the sum of $6,200,000.00 us dollars into your personal bank account, this will be for the benefit of both of us.

This is a genuine business transaction only I cannot operate it alone without using a Foreigner according to the laws guiding my bank, that is why i am contacting you in this manner to help me stand before my bank as the beneficiary to claim this fund into your bank account, for assisting me to actualize this better opportunity, you will be entitled to have 30% from the total fund while 70% will be for me, as a matter of fact, what i need is your maximum cooperation and to provide a valid bank account where my bank will transfer this money for the benefit of you and I. By indicating your interest on assurance of trust I will send you the full details and how this business will be executed.

Most importantly, please I will advice you to keep this business proposal as a top secret between you and me. Or delete it immediately in your email box if you are not interested in this fund transaction business. Your urgent response to this mail will be highly appreciated.

Best regards,
Yours Friend.

Posts : 1994
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Age : 14


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